CVDA COVID-19 Update #6

Good Afternoon All CVDA Members, Sponsors, and Tournament Directors. Apology for not getting this update out sooner. The President was waiting to get some answers from the state and other personnel plus dealing with a few personal issues. CVDA Board met on 7/29/2020 via Conference call with one board member not in attendance. Below are the key highlights from the meeting/call:

What do we do about incomplete Winter season and the remainder of the 2020 League season? The Board felt at this time our hands were tied and until the state lift the restrictions we could not make a decision until the end of Aug. If no update by the governor then sadly we will have to cancel for the remainder of the year. As soon as that decision is finalized we will update the membership. Along this line, President brought forward a concern from one of our members regarding what will be done with the membership dues already paid for 2020? The Board decided that currently no refunds would be made in 2020 as the COVID-19 Pandemic and the state-mandated restrictions are beyond the CVDA control. With that being said, once a final decision is made about the remainder of the year the CVDA Board will meet again to discuss possible options/considerations as what can be done for our members with respect to 2021 CVDA Membership and Sponsor Fees.

Membership Meeting, Nominations for the New CVDA 2021 Board of Directors and Voting for the 2021 Board of Directors Nominees in December 2020? The Pandemic has challenged All of us and the CVDA is not exempt. State mandatory restrictions have made it difficult to follow our processes outlined in the By-Laws exactly to the letter of the law. As there are no provisions for a Pandemic in our By-Laws, a revision is definitely needed to include provisions to deal with Pandemics/Natural disasters etc. CVDA President has reached out to our Parlimentarium to see how we can be creative to either have virtual meetings and to handle the nomination and voting process. If not the Board of Directors discussed the current Board would remain in place until a special meeting for nominations/elections could take place. More to follow.

There was talk about cancelling the Tournament of Champions slated for Jan 21. More discussions are required before this decision can be finalized. With one key Board member not in attendance on the conference call, the President added this topic as an Agenda item for the next Board meeting. We hope to have a final decision for our members before 1 Nov.

42nd Annual CVDA Dart Classic- The Board is hopeful the easement of the sanctions and the pandemic will be under control and have set a “Save the Date” of 11-13 June 2021 as the date for our Dart Classic Tournament.

Following the conference call. CVDA President reached out to the state of Virginia asking the following questions: 1. Is there an update under Phase III when the restriction of playing darts may be lifted and 2. WIll there be a Phase IV, and if so, an approx time frame? He received a response from The Commerce and Trade Secretary stating: “We have no information as to the duration of Phase Three and have not been given any indication of the next phase.” To that end as previously stated:
1. All League and CVDA activities continue to be suspended until further notice.
2. No sanction CVDA blind draws are authorized.

To the extent you can, we encourage your continued safe support & patronage of our Sponsor Bars.

Any questions/comments please reach out to any board member.

We appreciate your patience, understanding and recognized this is not how any of us expected our 2020 Dart League season to progress.

Thank you and continue to be safe.

CVDA Board of Directors

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