Good Afternoon Fellow CVDA members, Sponsors, and Tournament Directors. We hope all are well and you are continuing to practice safe social distancing and enjoying time with your families. With the continued State of Emergency and the Stay at Home order by the Governor of Virginia. All League and CVDA Sanctioned activities still continued to be suspended. The board of Directors met and below are the decisions which were made.

Please keep in mind that all of these are subject to change as the government implements new rules/laws regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic.

1. Sadly the 42 Annual Dart Classic Tournament is canceled.
Reason: We are not certain we will be back to a new norm of social gathering in time enough to hold it. Postponement is not feasible due to several other tournaments that were postponed and rescheduled. Picking a date to avoid conflict with other events is impossible. We are unable to fundraise to raise monies required to host this event. Lastly, COVID-19 Pandemic is also affecting the businesses we solicit for donations and in good conscious cannot ask them for donations with all businesses being affected.

2. Our plan is to finish out the Winter season once we have the CDC and local government go-ahead for social gatherings. The caveat is…as long as our sponsors are up and running as well. In order to complete the 2020 Winter season and have time for another season this year, we would at the latest have to play week 10 NLT 21 & 22 July and then head into the playoffs. The next season would start as stated on the calendar of events in your Team packets.

3. Summer Season is canceled.

Please keep in mind that we didn’t make these decisions lightly and recognize all that is going on is beyond everyone’s control.

4. Please continue to support our Bar sponsor to the extent that You can. Continued prayers for all of you and your families. We will get through this crisis.

The CVDA Board of Directors will provide an update as soon as we have any further information. Thank you all for your understanding and consideration during these rough times. Look to the CVDA Website, Facebook page, and email for further updates. Questions/inquiries/suggestions please send to:

Continue to stay safe at home for those that are not essential and practice proper social distancing and hand sanitation.

DartConnect continues to be a viable option to keep your darting competitive skills up.

Kind regards,
CVDA Board of Directors

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