Good Afternoon Fellow CVDA members, Sponsors, and Tournament Directors. With the continued State of Emergency and the Stay at Home order by the Governor of Virginia. All League and CVDA Sanctioned activities continued to be suspended. The board of Directors is currently in discussions regarding the Winter Season, the upcoming Summer season as well as the 42 Annual Dart Classic.

Please keep in mind that every decision we will make is with You and Your family’s best interest and safety at the forefront. We welcome any feedback and suggestions You the membership may have regarding the current Winter Season or Summer season with regards to the way forward. Your suggestions will be taken into considerations as we determine our next steps. Please send feedback/suggestions to

The CVDA Board of Directors will provide an update as soon as decisions have been made. Thank you all for your understanding and consideration during these rough times. Look to the CVDA Website, Facebook page and email for further updates.

Please stay safe, at Home for those that are not essential and practice proper social distancing and hand sanitation.

Have that Dart itch?…DartConnect is a way to keep your skills on point as you challenge Darters globally. Our President has played some games with people in the USA as well as other countries and accepting all challenges from any CVDA Member. not mentioning any names (Coughs)Kevin Hensley.

Your CVDA Board of Directors

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